Ron Bell-Roemer
Bend, Oregon
Instructor & Caller
of Square Dancing,
Contra and Traditional Dance
Callerlab Member (ASCAP/BMI licensed)
for bookings contact me: bellroemer.ron@gmail.com

Background info:
My wife Renee and I have been dancing Modern Western Square Dance in central Oregon since 2014. We belong to the High Desert Dancers square dance club in Bend.
I was first asked to teach Mainstream square dance lessons for the club in 2017 and call for many of the regular square dance events in the area.
I started calling for contra dances for Bend Community Contra Dance in 1999.
I occasionally lead single-night 'Party Dances' for groups - churches & schools. This includes teaching long-ways set dances, circle mixers, old-time visiting squares and the like. These work well as an introduction to traditional forms of dance and as a group building activity.
My former dancing experience began in the 1980's with international folk dancing, contra dancing and Appalachian style clogging in Corvallis, Oregon. I performed with the Marysville Cloggers and taught beginning clogging classes.
If you're interested in my services, drop me a line.
My email: bellroemer.ron@gmail.com
I enjoy giving people the opportunity to dance together. It's great to be able to create that community space for folks.
updated - 5/1/24